Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Living Water Service - Teaching and Living the Truth in Christ Jesus

The Living Water Service held on September 27th, 2019  at the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN was a huge success by every standard. Our forecast before the service was around 100,000 participants but in the end, we had underestimated this number by a huge margin. This is what SCOAN and TB Joshua are known for; generosity and unlimited love for humanity. Everyone was free to come, and many did. The organization was excellent. People were in orderliness, uniformity, patience and consistency. The participants came from different places, mostly Africans, but with diverse challenges. Jesus proved His presence and dominion over all our challenges. This service to the society is what we call "Preaching the Truth and Living out the Truth". 

Apostle Paul had encouraged Timothy thus, "As for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work, (2 Timothy 3: 14-17)". This scripture seems to be exactly describing Prophet TB Joshua, the senior prophet in the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, Lagos, Nigeria. Our collective task is that we have to daily grow in the Faith Jesus generously bestows on us with His holy word and spirit; picking our example from SCOAN team.

What have we learnt from Jesus Christ and what are we teaching to live by? Probably many of us are familiar with John 14, where Jesus tells His disciples that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But what did that saying mean for them, and what does it mean for us? Isn't that what we are seeing in SCOAN? How do we let other Christians know that our strength is our living by the teaching of Jesus and not only by knowing His teaching and preaching it? 

These SCOAN teams, it seems to us, are the people that do know their God, working strong, and doing exploits. They understand Jesus and are instructing many, (Daniel 11:32-33). This ministry, for example, is also like the time Jesus and His mother were both invited to a wedding, on their rights. When the wine runs out the Church is to provide. The hungry crowds are to be fed not sent home, the sick to be healed, the captives set free. At 27 September 2019, the power of God manifested itself once again.

With this overwhelming crowd observed today our prayer is that God will continually empower SCOAN and Emmanuel partners to be able to run this programme periodically. It would also be appreciated if a special programme could be organised to target specifically Church pastors, Deacons, and their families, say once a year. Today, the Living Water service had the effect of a national crusade. Therefore, on behalf of all those who participated, or had been blessed either from the distance or within SCOAN premise, we express our profound gratitude to Senior prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN team and Emmanuel partners. Kindly continue in the good work you have learned and firmly believed in. 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Healing Living Water on the Temple of Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN

living water, service, tb joshua

The president of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, Prophet TB Joshua, has been known worldwide for using water as one of his faith healing materials. He started using, right from the early part of his ministry, sacks of sachet water, moving to Anointing Water, morning water and now Living Water that individual fetches on their own by faith from running taps on SCOAN Temple. 


Water is common in Christianity for drinking, purification and cleansing, for baptism, used in Egypt by Moses before Pharaoh until the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” The advancement that Prophet TB Joshua has brought water ministration to in evangelism and faith-building is significant. In his generosity, he has made it as part of the free services of SCOAN to humanity to run the Living Water Service at least once a month. Everyone is also invited. We pray that individual will put their faith together and fetch their Living Water. SCOAN is not charging anyone for this but requiring our faith only in the Healing Jesus Christ. TB Joshua uses this water himself as all his disciples. I'm looking forward to it very soon.


The call of Jesus Christ is very simple and clear when he said to Peter, "follow me and I will make you a fisher of men". Peter had earlier recognised Jesus Christ to be different from others Rabbi in town when he told Jesus to depart from him because Peter recognized his unworthiness. Hence many people may be fearful, feeling unworthy or not willing to be exposed on camera and run away from this deliverance opportunity. Others may be thinking that the powers they already have like charms, cultism, all forms of contrary spirit are sufficient to deliver. These are the very reasons why you need Jesus Christ who gives a lighter burden in the place of mountains of burdens from the pit of hell. 


Our doubts about TB Joshua or scepticism should by now be gone. Israelites were foot dragging recently in Nazareth but at the end, they were nursing the idea to have the return and repeat of the crusade by TB Joshua and his team. Unless you try you will be working with falsehood and fake rumours. Christ is alive and SCOAN of TB Joshua is proving this. According to Revelation 11:6 God has given some of His prophets power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. It isn't a man's doing but what God ordains. This is why we appreciate TB Joshua and Emmanuel partners for their love and generous service to humanity.  


Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Saturday, September 21, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Meet The Man Who ARRESTED TB Joshua!!!

TB Joshua in Prison, confession, deals on drug

In this 'clip from the archives', hear the shocking confession of the man who arrested TB Joshua on the accusation of drug-dealing over 20 years ago in 1996...

Yusuf Hassan was among a team of 18 officers working for the NDLEA (National Drug Law Enforcement Agency) who stormed The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations to arrest TB Joshua and kept him incarcerated for 13 days!

"We get above our fears when we remember the more difficult and trying situations God has taken us through in the past. Let’s take my case as an example.

"In 1996, a battalion of fierce-looking soldiers came into the church to arrest me on account of a petition from my adversaries accusing me of dealing in drugs - something I knew nothing about. And you all know the penalty such drug related offences attracted at that time - I mean, during the military era - capital punishment or at best, life in jail.

"My enemies actually wanted me dead at all costs. Under this circumstance, one whose focus is not on God is bound to be frightened and panic-stricken:

• The fear that the enemy was capable of planting the exhibit in one’s premises before calling in the police.
• The fear of the punishment attached to the offence if found guilty.

"All these were capable of demoralizing me even before I got to the cell, if I were not a man of faith. The Holy Spirit never makes mistakes. So relax in times of testing. He will not let you fail. He knows your enemy; your enemy always makes mistakes!"

Watch Video Below: