Sunday, May 22, 2022

Prophet TB Joshua Is Living On In Our Hearts As Our Rallying Point


TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

Sunday, June 5, 2022, will mark the first anniversary and celebration of the life and time of the Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet TB Joshua. He passed away on Saturday, June 5, 2021, just seven days before his 58th birthday. On any human scale, it would have been an immeasurable loss to the Church, the family, the devastating disciples and followers, and the national and international communities. Even Arigidi Akoko, his home town couldn't believe he could die. Hence His Royal Highness, the Saki of Arigidi, declared all markets and shops to close immediately on hearing the news.

Less than a year after, SCOAN, led by the Prophet's wife, Mama Evelyn Joshua, is moving on because the cause for which TB Joshua has come to represent does not allow for mourning or to be sorrowful about.  His life can only be celebrated because it is a life devoted entirely to the service of God and humanity, and such that people can see Christ in action. He made the mission of Jesus easier and clearer for people to appreciate. He would dress simply, and mingle freely and humbly with people. His teachings are simple, Biblical, and relate to everyday life without unnecessary ceremonies or rituals. We see Jesus Christ in him. No wonder his wife could step in as if nothing has happened because of the openness and sincerity of the purpose of the original mission. It is a celebration of the life of a worthy prophet of God with a mission. Therefore we are less sad. In all this God has a purpose in everything and unto God, we commit everything including each soul. We must all join our faith together as one united in Christ, to pray for the perfection of what God has started in SCOAN, even under the leadership of Evelyn Joshua.

As we celebrate this great prophet of our time we equally remember not just the SCOAN in Lagos but every offshoot and work of TB Joshua. In particular, we remember every disciple that learned under the prophet, praying for a renewed, fresh and abundant anointing on them and their ministries. Prophet TB Joshua had crusades around the world. Our prayers also go to those who through this crusade activity gave their lives to Jesus. The goal of Prophet TB Joshua is that Jesus must be honoured as the kingdom of God expands on earth. Also that everyone will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Word demonstrated in deliverance, prophecy, healing, teaching and compassionate giving. Prophet TB Joshua's disciples will do well to let love lead them and be guided by the Word of God every moment, even in this perilous time. Jesus has promised to send the Promise of the Father to clothe us with power from above, (Luke 24:49). May you receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost Power in your daily life.

Just as we believe that the life of Prophet TB Joshua was to fulfil God's mission even so we individually must wait on God our heavenly father to send us out on our divine missions. Meanwhile, TB Joshua will remain a rallying point for many Christians around the globe from now to eternity. This alone is a major reason for celebration. Unless we are blessed, favoured and given from above no Christian leader can achieve this status Prophet TB Joshua has achieved. Apostle John said it better when he said, "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven", (John 3:27). Therefore we shall continually rejoice and celebrate all the memory we have had knowing Temitope Balogun Joshua. It has been a big privilege having first-hand contact and knowledge about him. Yet the best is yet to come to SCOAN or any of his offshoot ministries.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Thursday, May 5, 2022


TB Joshua, Evelyn Joshua, Emmanuel TV
General Overseer, Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), owners of Emmanuel TV Team, Prophet TB Joshua and wife, Evelyn
 Has anyone of us in The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) ever wondered why our Father in the Lord, Prophet TB Joshua, has to go so suddenly? Or why has SCOAN had to go through what it has to go through since June 5, 2021? We may not know all the answers. However, as we approach the first anniversary of that event let us ponder on what God is telling us and doing in our time. Let us come together and celebrate the life and time of a great prophet of our time.

Truly Prophet TB Joshua's physical absence is an immeasurable missing but, His great work of love, his complete dedication to the full gospel of Jesus Christ, his teaching, his unique charisma, etc., will all remain with us. We can say right away that was spoon-feeding all of us, from his family, his numerous disciples and workers, Emmanuel TV Partners and his other associates, regular or occasional Church members, visitors, and viewers of Emmanuel TV worldwide, everyone got fed freely. His absence should encourage us to grow more spiritually and depend on the Holy Spirit that was also living in Prophet TB Joshua.

His passing away has been greatly felt, even though at different degrees, depending on whether you were his wife, children, disciples, followers, or even critics. Nevertheless, there are great signs of reassurance to build our faith and hope; not just from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. His wife and now SCOAN's new leader, Prophetess Evelyn Joshua is filling the space her husband left. Many assemblies, offshoots of SCOAN, are springing up in many countries his disciples have run back to. We are praying for all of them to be filled with the Holy Ghost so that we can build on the same foundation laid by Christ Jesus, faithfully and powerfully.

Not that anyone of us has already obtained everything, or has already arrived, but the goal is to keep pressing on and take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us, (Philippians 3:12). We shall continue to advocate the need for our mutual unity, love and working in one accord. If the Apostle Paul is willing to admit that He hasn’t full attained the fullness of salvation, then there is a need to support each other and build on whatever we learned under Prophet TB Joshua.

We shall press forward as Paul says. By that Paul is teaching us that Jesus Christ died so that we might have salvation. Jesus Christ left us so that the Comforter could come and teach us all things.  Remember also that Jesus isn’t still on the cross. Jesus isn’t in the tomb. Jesus has moved on. Let us encourage each other also that Prophet TB Joshua has moved on and so we have to move on too. Yet our father in the Lord will live continually in our hearts. But we're grateful to God for briefly lending him to the world.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin Nigeria