Monday, March 30, 2020

Prophet TB Joshua on Coronavirus and God Remembering Noah

It is very hard to imagine any act of nature that would be greater than a worldwide flood that occurred in the time of Noah.  The details of the story are in the Bible (Genesis chapters 7-9). I recommend that all Bible students read the story of Noah. The Lord wants us to know what happened and how it happened, and relating this to our daily walk with Him, especially this COVID-19 pandemic era. 

Then God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided (Genesis 8:1).  At the due time, God sent a wind that blew across the whole earth and caused the floodwaters to begin to recede. This tells us about God’s authority over the forces of nature, over COVID-19, over Ebola, over smallpox, over our finances, our families, our health, over time and seasons. He is God above all.

Prophet TB Joshua, of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), prophesied recently on COVID-19, especially that the pandemic would end from March 27, 2020. At this very moment, this date he gave with the prophecy, is getting some section of the media confused and thinking that the prophet may not be right after all. But when we read Noah's experience with the flood, when God remembered him, and when eventually Noah finally stepped out to the dry ground, Prophet TB Joshua may be correct. Whenever Prophet TB Joshua is making a prophecy, we encourage that people should always remember that at those times, he won't be Mr TB Joshua. So let us always seek God's interpretations for our circumstances and believe His prophets. We need the knowledge the prophets of God would provide us in this Dark Age when people are desperate and more interested in averting economic ruin rather than believing and obeying God's word. People of the world prefer swallow solution/prescriptions that have worse side effects than their original problem. This is why panic, fear and shortcuts become normal actions for many.

We don't know much about Noah's emotions this period he was alone in the ark but the Bible described him as a man of faith (Hebrew 11:7). With instruction from God, Noah built the ark by faith, went in by faith, endured the ark quarantine time for over a whole year by faith, and came out of the ark courageously by faith. God's true prophets would speak to us in parables. The press may be critical about the prophet, but they should appreciate him in order to get the best out of him, and building a strong relationship with him. In Noah's day, the community probably ignored and mocked him. But one day Noah went into the ark with his extended family and animals. Seven days after the rain started and rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The point to note here is that it took some 150 days for the flood to abate after God remembered Noah. Hence we mustn't lose the significant lesson from Prophet TB Joshua's prophecy that our flood has started to abate but may need longer time for us to get out of the ark, like in Noah's days. God may not want us to know the exact day so that we can continue to trust and obey Him. If we know that day the Lord of the vineyard will come, then where is the necessity for faith?

We should learn from the story of Noah that when affliction has done its appointed work, when COVID-19 may have run its appointed period, it will be removed from us. Whether it be sickness or ill fortune or bad circumstances or hateful opposition or even truly bad weather, when God’s purposes have been served, the hard times will go away. So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. All the animals and all the creatures (Genesis 8:18-19). But Noah came out gradually, using the Raven test, the Dove test, and eventually, God ordered him out. The rains have stopped but if we come out of the ark too soon we could still be washed away with the floods. Noah was patient and gradual in his approach, depending on instructions from God, and so should we. Stay safe in your homes and ready, like Noah, to build an altar of sacrifice and worship to God at the end. 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus – Gives TB Joshua an Opportunity to Demonstrate the Love of Christ

The ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic has not only caused sickness, death, fear and panic around the world but has resulted in the cancellation of several sporting and cultural events, denial of travel Visas between nations, restriction on free movement and assembly. It is like a war in peacetime. A war against invisible microorganisms called coronavirus. The Church of Christ should not be in the dark on what should be done. We need to know the age we are in now and the role of the Church to the world on the fight against this unseen enemy.

The way the world is attempting to stop the exponential spread of COVID-19 disease scientifically is a combination of the following:

(1) Extraordinary restrictions on free movement and assembly, as well as aggressive testing, to interrupt its transmission entirely;
(2) Finding the vaccine that could protect everyone and
(3) The do-nothing approach by just waiting until enough people get the virus and the few survivors developing herd immunity. 

All this is the struggle of the natural mind. Hence, as the world struggles with the uncertainty of COVID-19, with all its fear and panic, death and the financial ruin caused by the pandemic. The Church has an incredible opportunity to demonstrate the love of Jesus. This is where Prophet TB Joshua, of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, (SCOAN) and the Church, in general, need to come in to provide a divine solution based on Jesus' love for the world. 

Already, Prophet TB Joshua and his team in the SCOAN are taking the lead in praying, prophesying and teaching the entire world on this coronavirus. The prayers for rains, that also happened, the constant teaching, the prophecy of this time and encouragements from SCOAN, are worthy of note for all who care to listen. What more can the Church do? For example, the United States of America USA, and many other governments, are rolling out trillions of dollars as bailout and relief bills to stabilized their ruined economies and rescue a few of the COVID-19 victims. Nevertheless, these steps are not going to remove the pandemic but just attempts to save their national economy. 

In Luke 11:42 we read Jesus saying, “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practised the latter without leaving the former undone". Here the focus is not a warning to the Pharisees of this world on their superficial tithes. The people of the world are more concerned with external appearances than with inner spiritual truth and love. This is why the world will give bailouts and relief bills to create the illusion of significance and only to help their re-election efforts. What God truly asks of us, however, is an inner commitment to the qualities of justice and love. Such are less obvious, less showy and less impressive to others. But without justice and love, our giving and services are going to be meaningless. 

Hence like Nicodemus, we have the opportunity to come to Jesus in times like this COVID-19 global pandemic era to look for our salvation and what else we ought to do. The public is asking many questions. For example, whose sin that a pandemic of this scale would be unleashed on every nation? Are we already in the eras described, especially in Revelation 16, where angels will pour out the vials of the wrath of God, one after another, upon the earth to cause great pandemics? The world would need teaching and prophecy of the age and time we are passing through. The Church also has a great task to counsel and rehabilitate victims and survivors of this pandemic beyond what respective governments are currently doing. Prophet TB Joshua has been raised to a position where he can provide revelation and encouragement to this generation. 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.