Sunday, October 13, 2019

Prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN is Evangelising the World

TB Joshua, SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

The man of God in the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, Lagos Nigeria needs no much introduction. He is a leading teacher of people, a prophet that is changing our perception the right way on prayers and evangelism. Every week thousands of people across the globe come to hear him and to be healed or to be delivered. They go back to their different countries and communities telling how good Nigeria is and how desirable it is to visit the Prophet in the SCOAN. 

In the world today, over 50% of the world population has not been reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in some places in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. They are pursuing different kinds of religions. China, India, and all Arabs are amongst the major countries where few or none have heard about Christ.

The recent effort of SCOAN and Emmanuel TV to hold crusades in many countries has the potential of reaching the non-evangelised world populations. The problem getting to these groups is made more complex by their respective domestic governments, many of whom placed an embargo on the Word (Bible) circulation. This is where SCOAN's evangelical approach is very crucial and significant.
Prophet TB Joshua's continuous teaching on "I believe help my unbelief" is also appropriate at this time. Many are wondering why their ministries are not as effective in so many aspects like healing, miracles, or the others like seen always in SCOAN. 

His teaching has helped a number of us on how to pray, and what to pray for. We recall that in seeking the Lord’s help, a man came to Jesus once, fell to his knees weeping, and said, “I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). The man’s request, startling in its paradoxical phrasing, is quite thought-provoking. How can a man say he believes and at the same time asks for help in overcoming unbelief? Jesus had just returned from the mount of transfiguration when He came upon a large crowd surrounding His disciples. An argument was taking place, and people were stirred up. Jesus asked what was going on, and a man from the crowd explained that the disciples had been trying to cast a demon out of his son but had failed in their attempt. 

Many individuals and congregations have been trying on their own but have no success story big as we have in SCOAN. Remember too that our prayer is that Prophet TB Joshua will still have more anointing to do more exploit for Jesus, despite the mighty work we are already witnessing. Yes, we pray for more anointing on him and every member of his team. Nevertheless, Emmanuel TV and partners must daily work for improvement, especially to circumvent systemic government efforts from blocking the Gospel of Jesus Christ getting to every corner of the globe. 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin Nigeria.

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