Wednesday, October 2, 2019


The greatest trick the devil is pulling lately is to convince the world that Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Ghost does not exist that is, He is not alive. The devil doesn’t want us to know that there is an incredible power of God in action and the awesome benefits of God which people are experiencing in the Synagogue Church of All Nation’s Mountain of prayer. Another thing very high on the list of things the devil doesn’t want you to know is that; he will try to make you doubt such things which are Biblically authentic.


But today, Prophet TB Joshua through the power of God has continually proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Jesus is alive, and He is the Son of the Living God. The good thing about this is that God himself has decided to open the eyes of the few visitors during the mountain of prayer service, for them to see the Heavenly Being operating in the mountain of prayer.


Satan and his demons have been trying, by all means, to deceive people in believing that Prophet TB Joshua is an evil man and as such they lack the capacity to ponder the truth of God’s word, which says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and for those who trust in Christ, the strategy of the enemy is to confuse, frustrate, discourage and even steal the truth of God that has been already deposited in their lives, and ultimately attempt to mar the image of the SCOAN as well as that of Prophet TB Joshua. In this regard, the enemy construct a spiritual stronghold in the hearts of both believers and unbelievers.


Often time, it starts with bad experience, offence or an evil attack or hurt by the enemy himself which lead to their heart becoming a fertile ground for the planting of seeds of lies and on this foundation, the enemy begins to build slowly but surely, a wall of deception, lies, wrong ideas about SCOAN and Prophet TB Joshua. The enemy goes on and feeds them with erroneous and distorted information about the Church activities like deliverance and healing. Unfortunately, immature Christians usually buy into these lies and agree with the enemy, thereby gaining control of their hearts in such a way that they end up defending lies and not the kingdom of God. Their perception is distorted in a way that they are unable to differentiate between lies and truth.


2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “The god of this age [a reference to Satan and his demons] has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Satan strategy in the lives of those who haven’t trusted in Christ, is to make sure that they remain in the dark so that they can say what is happening in the mountain of prayer is fake and as such, they will never go there and experience the presence of God.


Be that as it may, it is a fact, which, unfortunately, cannot be denied; that some of God’s people are his worst enemies. By their coarse and wretched lives, they drive away many from the truth even before they have the opportunity to see the miracles of God. But thanks to Emanuel TV, YouTube and other platforms; unbelievers are starting to see the truth. That is why on 27th September 2019 history has been made when we saw more than hundred thousand of Nigerians from different churches in Nigeria as well as other Christians from around the world flocking to SCOAN for a free mountain of prayer service. As usual, this has disturbed TB Joshua’s critics and persecutors. We feel sorry for them, May God forgive them 

Interestingly, there are some people today who are still refusing to go for healing and deliverance at the SCOAN, simply because their thoughts have been distorted. They call themselves Christians but on the other hand, they suffer from spiritual poverty and as such deny themselves God’s blessings which are freely available in SCOAN’ mountain of prayer. 


They behave like a man who was trapped in the fire but refusing any assistance sent to him, saying that he is waiting for God to come and rescue Him until the whole house is engulfed by fire. He burnt to death and when he reached heaven, he asked God, “Lord, why did you not save me? I believed you with all my heart. God responded, “I sent you all the necessary help and you refused them all. What else could I possibly have done for you?” Like it or not, Prophet TB Joshua is a true servant of God sent to us and to deny the power of the Holy Spirit operating in the mountain of prayer is to deny Christ. What I am trying to say is that; God has outwardly done His part by blessing us with the prophet of our days but yet we refused to partake from the promises of God, which God has laid before us in the presence of our enemies. The question is; why do people decide to settle for darkness, destruction while the healing, deliverance and blessing of God are on the table for free?


Brothers and sisters, I want you to know that Almighty God has blessed Prophet TB Joshua with an elevated platform so that he can be a help for those unspoken for and the oppressed. He has been divinely empowered for the advancements of the kingdom of God because our God is a God of nations and will often raise individuals to intercede on behalf of the greater masses, who are in bondage. Prophet TB Joshua has been blessed so that He can become a blessing to others. He has been granted a platform with a greater blessing so that he can be in a position to speak for those whose voices cannot be heard, the oppressed, and the captives and no one can change that.


In (Genesis 12:3) it is written that “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Those who believe in the God of Prophet TB Joshua will be the ultimate beneficiary of God’s blessings. In other words, it’s not about Prophet TB Joshua and his family, but it is about the neighbours that Jesus said we must love, the needy, orphans, the poor and everyone else. That is why Prophet TB Joshua does not take credit on the works of God; he is not even present in the mountain of prayer. He is also going to the mountain of prayer for his blessings. Do yourself a favour and honour the invitation of God, don’t reject God’s grace. Those who reject the grace of God have been warned In Numbers 14:11, when the Lord asks Moses, “How long will these people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst?”


The chapter shows that people who repeatedly reject God’s grace may cross the line of no return. God is gracious and patient, but at some point, His judgment will fall on those who persist in unbelief. A person may repeatedly turn his heart away from the good news of Jesus Christ until he reaches a point where he is hardened beyond remedy. Proverbs 29:1 warns, “A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy. “Healing, deliverance and blessing are available in SCOAN, and only those who don’t harden their hearts will benefit.


God’s promise of salvation for everyone is for Him to be glorified among the nations. The problem with the people of the world, like the Israelites, is that that they do not believe in the Lord and His promise to give them the land of Canaan (Num. 13:2; 14:11). They do not see that, God ‘want to deliver them from the bondage of satan for the salvation of their souls. 


Let me remind you that there are temporal and eternal consequences for those who reject God’s salvation. In Heb. 3:12: it is written that “Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.” Apostle Paul telling us that like everyone else you may be going through some difficult trials and tribulations, but this should not be your reason for not believing in God’s miracle, because this would indicate that you have an evil, unbelieving heart and to turn from Christ back to the world would be to fall away from the living God! If you do that, you will not enjoy the many blessings of knowing Christ in this life.


But today, some people called themselves Christian and yet don’t believe in the miracles He performs. Outwardly, they profess to be obeying God but inwardly rejecting him, contradicting indeed. They stand in their high places and criticise Prophet TB Joshua and yet the Prophet is not the one touching people in the mountain of prayer. They allow themselves to be misled and attempt to save themselves by trusting in themselves and their leaders and this is the main reason they will miss God’s offer of free grace through Jesus Christ. 


The Bible is clear that God will bless those who trust His promises and follow Him fully. Jesus is talking to the world, he is using Prophet TB Joshua to show us that He is a living God, a miracle-working God and those who believe in Him will be saved. According to Apostle John, Thomas was not present on Easter Sunday evening when Jesus appeared to the other disciples and devoted followers (John 20:24). And regardless of what they said, Thomas refused to believe that Jesus had risen till he saw Jesus with his own eyes (John 20:25) — a declaration that earned him for posterity the unflattering title “Doubting Thomas.” Thomas’s doubts may have been humanly understandable, but they were not commendable. They were sinful, as is all unbelief (Romans 14:23). Finally, a full week after Easter, Jesus appeared when Thomas was present and said, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” (John 20:27). Thomas’s repented and said, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28). Then in John 20:29) Jesus said: “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).


Children of God, here Jesus’ is telling us that others had not yet seen Him, but still believed in his resurrection and as such their believing was more blessed. This means that those who rely on their eyes of faith more than the physical eyes will receive the promised blessing of God. Glorious, inexpressible joy comes not by seeing Jesus now, but by believing in him now. You don’t have to see Jesus in person in the mountain of prayer for you to believe, just believe in his presence in the mountain of prayer and you will experience his touch. Even if you are watching on Emmanuel tv, connect with faith and He will touch you.


Like the woman who testified on Sunday, 29th Sept 2019, she has confessed that she never believes in what is happening at SCOAN. According to her, everything is arranged and as such fake. But because we serve a God of grace, the Holy Spirit arrested her and led her to the mountain of prayer where she experiences the unexplainable, indescribable encounter with Jesus himself. He always did for the others, Jesus forgave her unbelieve and graciously restored her. Jesus used her unbelief, to reveal to her who is behind the miracles in the mountain of prayer. Jesus made her a gracious example for all of us who suffer from spiritual poverty and use the physical eyes to see instead of eyes of faith. So If you find that you are spiritually blind, I mean; your seeing of Jesus is impaired, Thomas is teaching you not to declare, “Unless I see I will never believe,” but rather say, “I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).


My friends, without an accurate knowledge of who Christ is, you just are not going to be drawn to him. The study of “Christian evidence” is one of the crying needs of our time. There is a lot of evidence of Jesus’, healing and deliverance in SCOAN. Those who turn from the truth of God, or reject the Holy Spirit as a source of power and love in their lives, have denied Christ. All Christians must study their Bibles to learn what Christ taught and then to put it to practice in their lives. So please, if you do not know the spirit powering a person, do not open your mouth to rebel because you might be rebelling against God who you falsely claim to be worshipping. Reject the lies that the enemy has planted in your heart and trust in God.


Lastly, I want to encourage you, beloved brothers and sisters in Jesus name to visit the SCOAN and freely experience the presence of God in the mountain of prayer. I repeat, IT IS FOR FREE, NO REGISTRATION FEE, you just need a free heart, a hear free of unforgiveness, pain of the past, without grudges, that is a repentant heart and I am sure that God’s mercy will shine through to give hope to all of you; who will respond in faith. I am a witness and I know who is operating in that mountain, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and his Cherubim’s and Seraphim’s. Remain blessed.

Oliphant Deborah  from South Africa

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