Saturday, October 26, 2019

The SCOAN not Merely a Growing Tourist Destination


It is true that in recent years Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, (SCOAN), Lagos Nigeria has attracted to his ministry Christian pilgrimage and tourist from around the world. The prophet has been unintentionally working on this, a global image he now has, within the last three decades. Nevertheless, he has been working with the less to do, the high and the low in the society, running international crusades, conducting weekly prophecy, healing, deliverance, etc. Hence under 30 years of his ministry, TB Joshua has become a major world-class Prophet of all time.

The main question and our concern are knowing which ministry best represents "Jesus Christ's Expectation of Faith". We all need to know what Jesus expects to find at His return. The apostles Jesus trained, left to continue His works after His ascension became our reference point, especially after they were baptized by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ represented and performed three functions in His earthly ministry. He was the Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:14-22), the Priest (Psalm 110:1-4), and the King (Psalm 2). He raised disciples who would become "Fishers of men", people who could draw others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is not just the weekly crowds and the economic benefits to the local environment that are most paramount.

Our proper personal response in our relationship with Christ Jesus is what Paul calls "the obedience of faith" (Romans 1:5, 16:26), or which SCOAN always encourages to new converts as "making the Word a standard for life". The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, the oral tradition of the early apostles, and the written Word, now become our essence. The community is interested in the crowds but within the teaching of SCOAN is the full Gospel of Jesus Christ in His ramifications.

The result of the work of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN, aired by Emmanuel TV, will become more visible when the disciples raised by this prophet move out to every corner of the globe preaching Christ and living in His obedience and holiness. In the world today we have academic preaching, Schools of Divinity where deep knowledge of Jesus Christ's history and work are learned and taught. But (Acts 4:13) now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Being with Jesus in His teaching, living, preaching, and love is what we seem to be seeing in SCOAN. Hence those coming to see prophet TB Joshua of SCOAN are encouraged to come expecting to meet Jesus Who will use His prophets to meet their needs. Of course, SCOAN is a growing Christian tourist destination and shall remain so many years ahead.


Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria


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