Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Coronavirus: TB Joshua Praying for China and the World Healing

Prophet TB Joshua, Praying at Mountain Top
Prophet TB Joshua Praying at Mountain Top
Early last year, TB Joshua gave a world Prophecy at the prayer mountain that the year we are entering will be a ‘fearful year’ and it was indeed very fearful. Which confirmed the Prophet Prophecy. However, he reiterated the same Prophecy early this year when he was releasing the Prophecy for 2020. The Prophet told us that it is not over yet and that by God’s time table, last year, 2019 will end till March 2020. And this again we can confirm from the event so far, since the beginning of 2020 that there is fear up till now around the world, especially, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

We need to know that this killer Coronavirus that is causing fear around the world and currently taking lives and putting many on the sick bed started in 2019. But there was less publicity than on its rampage.

Since the outbreak of this killer virus, there have been rumours going around about the source of the virus. Some are even insinuating that it might be a biological weapon targeted at those affected nations, comparing it with the past case of the Ebola Virus.

Regardless of the truth or falsehood behind this rumours, one thing we must know is that the human race is fighting one enemy, and that enemy is the devil. The devil is behind the killing and destruction that his taking place around the world.

Just like what the Prophet said to the world about the Ebola Virus, the Coronavirus killer diseases and other of its likes are all from the pit of hell - manufactured by Satan to inflict pains, death and hardship on the human race. Satan is the enemies of God’s people. Satan is the one causing hate and spreading mistrust amongst the human race and he is behind this present epidemic called Coronavirus.

It is high time we understand that our fellow humans are not our true enemies. Humans in is normal self cannot kill or cause harm to their fellow neighbours. Those that are being used to spread evil and causing division around the world are under invisible forces that can’t be seen by the human visible eyes.

It is easy for the world to condemn fellow human because we have been made to see ourselves as each other enemies. Unknowingly to us that the unfortunate victim and the propagator of the act are both victims who need help and God’s mercy. But, Who in the world will accept this today? We are quick to through stone at others for their misdeed forgetting that, we too are in need of God’s mercy.

As TB Joshua will rightly say, “If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle.” Let us channel our energy to the right enemies, instead of targeting each other. We all are both victims of that one true enemy. The devil is the true enemies, not your fellow human. Once we start accepting this hard truth the better for the world.

The world needs to come together at this critical time to help China and other affected nations. We need to preach the message of the wound of one is the wound of all. Whatever is going on in China now should be a thing of concern to the entire human race. Christ called us to be our brother's keepers. Let us continue to show love to them that are around us. Help each other in the little way we can.

Just as it is the wise thing for us as leaders and good citizens of the world to protect our respective countries and territories from this ravaging killer virus, we should be also be very careful with our words and actions. We should not fall into the temptation of shutting our doors against our neighbours, because of fear. Remember that the devil is the father of fear.

Our words and actions should bring hope to today victims, not segregation and hate. Let us look for how we can help each other and heal our world. The world belongs to us all, God has given us this world. It's just the devil that is wrestling it from us.

Yesterday was Ebola virus in some part of Africa, today is Coronavirus in some part of China and other nations. Who knows, it can be yours tomorrow. We all should come together and see how we can help to bring this spread to a stop.

Those close to the government of China and other affected nations should take it as a personal duty to inform them about the Prophet and the SCOAN Anointed water, that has been affected by God to break the world free from every bondage and sickness.

They have to make an official request before the Prophet can release the Anointed water to the affected nations. This is not an individual thing. Things like this need genuine government request and enforcement. Every one of us has a role to play. Our God is a God of orderliness. He leaves men to their own will and discretion. He does not force Himself on us.

Surely, the Prophet is praying fervently for the affected nations and the world healing. The Prophet is indeed concerned about the happenings around nations of the world. His prayer is to see a world that will be free from the stronghold of darkness.

May God deliver us from the enemy stronghold… Amen!

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