Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy 14th Birthday Emmanuel TV

Emmauel Tv, 14year, Birthday

We are standing in one accord on Christ our solid Rock, Lord and Savior to say, "Happy 14th Birthday to Emmanuel TV". It has been many years of bringing the Apostolic Gospel of the Church of Christ to every corner of the world and hence part of our joy. It can only be God, using holy men to write His scriptures in prints or broadcasting.

Prophet TB Joshua, the Founder and Bishop of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, has a clear purpose, mission and vision and this is why his life has had a great meaning to the entire world. In the early stages of his ministry, there was almost no media coverage. The prophet had to pay for short airtime slots in the few available governments owned media houses, most of which didn't go beyond their states. Due to the poor media coverage, the early day’s detractors capitalized on that to misinform the world about the person of Prophet T. B. Joshua and the ministry. Unfortunately, many who had criticized his ministry whilst still on their two feet are now being wheeled to the SCOAN Arena of Liberty to be set free. Again it is the work of the Holy Spirit using Emmanuel TV to reach out to people in their need. Emmanuel TV, through the Holy Spirit, is fishing out people from different parts of the world every Sunday; their national flags indicating how far they have come.

To be fair to Prophet TB Joshua's critics, miracles are not what we see in every ministry. Besides, there is a major misconception and confusion on which direction to propagate the Great Commission of Jesus, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone"; Mark 16:15. Each ministry needs to wait on the Lord for His direction.  Many prefer opening up new meeting points within every community or building the biggest assemblies, or other methods. True and specific miracles, prophecies, giving, teaching, and all Love Bedrock of Prophet TB Joshua and his kind of ministry are scarce in this generation. The devil is also not leaving any stone unturned. With 14 years behind ineffective broadcasting, Emmanuel TV may look back and do its self-assessment and move forward from there. As its motto, "Better isn't good enough, the Best is yet to come". We shall keep expecting a full and running over a cup of blessing from the Lord Jesus as we pray and keep watching

Happy 14th Birthday Emmanuel TV.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.          

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