Monday, March 2, 2020

Prophet TB Joshua's Year of Fear to End, March 2020

Prophet, scoan, tb joshua
Prophet TB Joshua

In the United States of America, USA, the year 1933 was called "The Year of Fear" because of the then anticipatory rise in crimes. Government prohibition had led to a precipitous rise in crime, and some of the nation's most infamous criminals engineered a string of mayhem and lawlessness such as America had never seen. When prohibition was repealed that year, these criminals looked elsewhere for quick sources of easy cash. They set their sights on kidnapping and government agents were given authority to chase kidnappers across state lines. The fear became distributed evenly between criminals and government agents. When Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, declared the year 2019 as "The Year of Fear", the mind of some historians went to the USA of 1933 expecting a significant rise in all classes of crime, diseases, fire outbreaks, plane crashes, and other disasters. The prophet made it clear on a live service that the FEAR would continue till 27 March 2020 and when his prophecy of a following "Year of Humility" would follow.

His prophecy of the year of fear has been confirmed as we can all observe. The coronavirus or Lasa fever episodes are just the most recent sources of fear. In line with this is the prophet's prophecy of rain and many reported cases of rain were heard the same yesterday, March 1, 2020. The prophesized rain was for a blessing and to signal possibly the beginning of the end of the fear. The prophet spent a great time encouraging his viewers not to fear as Christians. It is the Lord's doing and it makes our heart glad. Prophet TB Joshua together with his broadcasting station is now becoming a global authority for the world to pay significant attention. It may not look scientific, or logical, but the information therein is profitable for living a successful and correct life.

In the Bible prophets of old were known for describing periods and years with tagged names. For example, year of rest Levi 25:5, Jubilee Levi 25:13, release Deut 25:9, tithing Deut 27:12, recompenses Isaiah 34:8, redemption Isaiah 63:4, visitation Jere 11:23, drought Jere 17:8 liberty Ezek 46:17, or the year of the Lord Like 4:19. Hence we are probably passing through "The Years of Prophet TB Joshua", whether we know it or not. They are going to be called years of revival, years of persecution, or years of controversy and religion competition, depending on who you are. For me, Prophet TB Joshua has brought the Apostolic age of evangelism, redemption and renewal of the Christian faith across the globe. Again this is God's doing and we are very glad.

Assuming we all successfully end the year of fear this March, according to the prophet, then what will the year of Humility brings? We either humble ourselves or the Lord will humble us by Himself. All the powers in heaves and on the earth are in His hand, hence we can't possibly negotiate our way out.  Therefore according to Acts 20:19, our option is to "serve the Lord with all humility of mind along with many tears and temptations". We may expect more persecution of the Church and the persecution of Christian leaders that are effective. In all that we ought to be like 1 Peter 5:5 by saying, "Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble". The prophet may need to teach us more on the subject of "Year of Humility", as we enter it. Meanwhile, the prophesied year of Fear is ending. Thanks for this knowledge, but those who lack this knowledge would perish.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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