Friday, April 24, 2020


QUESTION – TB Joshua, can a real Christian contact COVID-19? I am asking this because I have read on the internet that true Christians cannot contact it. I know many are worried about this because there are many people they know as Christians and pastors who have contacted the sickness—and some have even died. I am worried about this, whether they are Christians or not.

ANSWER - Capital YES! Christians, do not make the mistake of thinking that you are ‘out of touch’. God often uses ‘anything’ to preserve us and to strengthen our desire and determination for God. Whatever your situation as a believer, it is all for your obedience to God (Hebrews 5:8).

A Christian can contact COVID-19; it is just like any other affliction. A Christian can be sick in body and yet be a friend of God or a candidate of Heaven. Don’t let your situation mislead you and cause you to start doubting your Guard. That should be the reason to look deeper, pray the more and dream of other ways you might have ignored.
Do not measure your Christian life by your situation. The rich should not concentrate on their pain or riches and the poor should not concentrate on their pain or poverty because a man may be afflicted or poor and yet be a candidate of Heaven. As a Christian, what you see as COVID-19 or affliction—God may sometimes allow it as a trial.

Oftentimes, we run from the very things that will bring strength to our lives, such as trials, affliction of any kind, all of which are meant for our spiritual benefit. They are to test your maturity. A true Christian is tested by his ability to face situations and deal with difficulties.

Take note: As a Christian, if you contact COVID-19, don’t begin to misjudge yourself by worrying, ‘Am I really a Christian? Why me of all this? Why me of all that?’ As a Christian, you are not out of touch. Don’t worry about whatever people say. If truly you are a Christian, God wants you to pray the more and know what He wants you to know because what we see as a disadvantage in our lives can be turned into an advantage. God is still saying something!

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