Monday, April 27, 2020

Who Qualifies for God's Miracles?

Daniel Owefin Amokachi is a Nigerian former professional footballer and former Assistant Manager of the Nigeria National Football Team. He has been a Technical Director since 2006. With World Cup performances, he was Third in the African Footballer of the Year Award three times. He has been a successful star player in the field of international football. Like Namman in the Bible, he needed a miracle and wisely came to the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) to Prophet TB Joshua's altar. According to him, he spent weeks in SCOAN altar but no miracle happened as he expected. “I slept by the church’s altar for several weeks to receive healing. I was not healed, but I saw lots of miracles that happened to people.” Is it TB Joshua's fault? Of course no. Is it Amokachi's fault? Not necessarily. God's ways are different from our ways, and His plans are higher than ours. 

The greatest miracle has been the resurrection of Jesus. This event is central to the Christian faith. Jesus was to be silenced by religious leaders of His days, so they conspired together at a price and got Him nailed on the cross hoping to end His campaign for life transformation. Jesus rose and returned to heaven. After that the Book of Acts records the disciples of Jesus praying to God to grant that miracle be done in His name for convincing onlookers to demonstrate that Jesus is alive still. 

What we see in SCOAN, or with Prophet TB Joshua in any international crusades, is a continuation of the desire of the Acts of Apostles. Before Jesus went up to heaven He told His disciples, (all of us including this Daniel Amokachi) that, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth", (Acts 1:8).  If Daniel Amokachi had been blessed with a miracle by his faith in Jesus Christ, (not by work only), the kingdom of Jesus Christ would have grown by his testimony of an encounter with Jesus. The Church is not happy that he got no miracle or testimony.

The way God does His work is a mystery still but very beautifully at the end. This seemingly negative testimony is encouraging to hundreds of others experiencing a similar situation. Many might have repeatedly come to SCOAN for a specific miracle but seemingly, nothing. Peter toiled all night but he and his team caught nothing. Peter's miracle was going to happen openly in the morning, not in the night of toiling.

There was also a man recorded in John 5:5 "And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years". Can anyone today imagine it that for 38 years the man kept up the hope? He eventually met Jesus and was delivered from a bed of infirmity. Similarly, Abraham and Sarah kept up hoping after hope for a child.  Also in Judges 13:2, "There was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not". People of old-time and people of faith do not give up on love, faith and hope. 

It is not because of our righteousness that we are called or graciously blessed with miracles. Everyone who comes to Jesus receives. Jesus is rich and generous. Jesus won't condemn anyone of us. 

Jesus didn't condemn the harlot caught on the act and brought to Him, nor Nicodemus who came secretly to Jesus by night, nor Mary from whom several evil spirits were cast out by Jesus. But we shouldn't condemn ourselves nor give up so easily on matters of faith. The combination of Faith, Love and Hope in Jesus is the essence of our living.

Meanwhile, we are most grateful to Prophet TB Joshua for making himself available for everyone to benefit from SCOAN altar. When all this COVID-19 pandemic is over, without any publicity our brother Daniel Amokachi should keep trying to visit SCOAN once a while, or just exercising and trusting Jesus in your heart. You may pray along with Prophet TB Joshua on as often as you have the opportunity. 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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