Thursday, May 21, 2020

Our Shelter is in the Name of the Lord

Regular worshipers at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, SCOAN, Lagos, Nigeria have come to the understanding that they have "A Sanctuary" that is their "Arena of Liberty". We hope and pray to return to normal worship therein soonest. That is a place where people find refuge, protection, healing, deliverance and justice. They make confessions and they are immune from arrest. Whether the depth of their freedom is completely clear to those making this claim is one thing, but once they arrive SCOAN they often understand that they experience freedom from evil spiritual attacks. They enjoy peace of mind and a great level of security from fear or anxiety. 

This may be why several people across the globe, watching, ask Prophet TB Joshua if a Christian can even be sick let alone be attacked by a coronavirus. Remember in Matthew 4:6 Satan asked Jesus to throw Himself down to prove that He is the Son of God. At the crucifixion, the robber on the left (representing the spirit of Satan) similarly asked Jesus to prove Himself as the Son of God by saving Himself and two robbers. When Christians think like this they must be careful not to assume that they have arrived in heaven where there'd be no sickness. Instead, we should come to Jesus like the penitent thief on the "Right", recognising Jesus, pleading for Jesus' mercy and seeking refuge. A Christian can't be self-righteous because we are all saved by grace. In Proverbs 18:10 we read that "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it and is safe."  Hence, at SCOAN's Arena of Liberty, the strength of the building and its walls are not the measuring parameters of level security but the name of the Lord Jesus and His presence therein.

Prophet TB Joshua's teachings and conducts are excellently profoundly accurate, even when they look simple. It is delusion and false teaching that if you follow Jesus everything will be trouble-free and without care, without sickness. Jesus is our rock and fortress in desperate times. SCOAN is resting on the word of Jesus which says, "Come all who are weary and heavy-laden and I (Jesus) will give you rest".  All who seek Jesus' shelter, and cling to His to everlasting promises of truth and unconditional love that never runs dry, find safety and peace.

This isn't to underestimate the immeasurable protection we enjoy under the name of Jesus anywhere we are. For example, Taipei 101 is considered one of the safest and strongest buildings in this modern era. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. It is a cultural icon of technology in Taiwan. But even with all of these features, it pales in comparison to the strength and security that’s found in the one who abides in the Lord Jesus and His precepts. When the trials of life come like a tidal wave to consume us we can take refuge in Jesus. His strength is made perfect in our moment of weakness. He does not cause the sickness or the storms but He can use them to shape our resolve in His ability to provide whatever is needed to overcome them. Jesus is our Saviour and our Lord in all our situations, a very present help in our troubled times.  Emmanuel!!!

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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