Monday, May 25, 2020

The Church, the Community and Coronavirus

The coronavirus global pandemic is not a new virus. It has been around for a long while causing fluid and other diseases. It is most likely to remain in public circulation spreading from human to human. Through the virus' ability to transform its activities from causing fever, dry cough, tiredness, headache, etc. The global community must anticipate a fact that the coronavirus may in future appear in a more destructive position than the ongoing COVID-19. Hence COVID-19 must be quickly dealt with to reduce its damage on the economy, the society and the Church.

The Church is a major stakeholder in every community in the areas of human restoration, reformation, rehabilitation, and providing hope and comfort to souls that are in despair, sick, fearful, or restless. The goal of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), led by Prophet TB Joshua, is to freely serve the world in times like this and such capacity as God will direct. Covid-19 is what we can see today, and because the world has followed its instinct, and has largely neglected the more important spiritual aspect, there is confusion, fear, rejection in the society.

Whilst some governments have given guidance on how Assemblies ought to conduct self, others simply hang to the total lockdown approach. Of course, it is still vital that the necessary hygiene and social distancing precautions are kept in place to protect the hospital workers and save lives. Similarly, no pastor would want to be quarantined because members who visited their church later tested positive to COVID-19. All this is still at the human level. In every society, the Church members remain the most discipline set of people, more organized than market traders.

The action of Mary Magdalene in John 20:10-16 is very commendable if we must desire to see what others fail to see. She had the singular honour to have anointed the body of Jesus before the crucifixion. Later on, the other ladies brought their oil to the tomb but it wasn't useful because the tomb was empty when they arrived.  Now see her unique devotion and character again. They all ran to the tomb but while the disciples went away unto their own home after a while Mary stood around weeping. As she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, she saw two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. Eventually, Jesus Himself appeared to her and she became the first to see Jesus and hence by inference the first that Jesus would send as a missionary to others immediately after the resurrection.

The best of the world politicians are like Pilate, or at the very best the disciples, always in hurry, not looking deep enough, fearful of what the public would say. On the other hand, we may liken Prophet TB Joshua and the Church to Mary who painstakingly has told us before the advent of COVID-19, and also still telling us some future events, hardship and humility that shall follow. The entire Church of Christ should be in one accord, listen to him as many are doing across the world, confederating with partners in charity giving globally. His prayer and encouraging words are going to be more effective in our common attempt to get people back on their two feet and prepare them for the next battle. More importantly by his teaching, using his various ministries, he is raising the Church of Christ to the right level, making the global community conscious of the coming Christ and preparing new prophets and evangelists for the mission. Covid-19 that has taken the world's attention in the last five months is not going to be the last battle nor the most difficult. The world would henceforth need the Church of Christ to lead in the hard battles ahead. Emmanuel!!!

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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