Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Tb Joshua, SCOAN, Emmanuel Tv

"As a medical doctor, I would like to advise the nations all over the world - do not panic in the face of this coronavirus. GOD HEALS! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Move close to anointed men of God - they will pray for you, God will be glorified and this COVID-19 will become a memory!"

Dr Kameni Pierre, a Cameroonian gynaecologist and obstetrician, was in quarantine after being medically confirmed positive to COVID-19. Whilst in isolation at the hospital, he called in to the Emmanuel TV Studios and received prayer during the 'Distance Is Not A Barrier: Interactive Prayer Session'. The healing power of God touched him right in the hospital ward and Dr Kameni began to uncontrollably vomit poisonous substances and sweat profusely! Just days later, a rejuvenated Dr Kameni went for another test and was confirmed negative to the deadly virus! Be blessed as you watch his faith-building testimony!

“Never a sickness Jesus cannot heal! Never a disease Jesus cannot cure! To God’s power, NOTHING is impossible... Let us run to God to put an end to this crisis and panic that has enveloped the world.” - TB Joshua

Watch the video on YouTube:

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