Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Wold Should Keep On Watching Emmanuel TV

The Emmanuel TV, of the Synagogues Church of All Nations (SCOAN), was launched on March 8, 2007, with the slogan, “Changing Lives, Changing Nations, Changing the World”. Hitherto in the late 1990s the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of SCOAN, began to gain international attention especially through video cassettes showing Prophet TB Joshua's early ministry in miracles and charity. At that time SCOAN was airing its programmes on State Nigerian televisions. But under the instruction of the then President Olusegun Obasanjo (President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999-2007) the Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission banned Ministries showing miracles on TV in 2004. Thereafter SCOAN broadcasts were taken off the air. This created a necessity for the emergence of Emmanuel TV on March 8, 2007. All along, either through the cassettes, state televisions or now Emmanuel TV, SCOAN has always broadcasts Christian programmes, with the singular mission to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

The purposes of general broadcasting and Christian Programmes broadcasting in particular in our contemporary days are numerous. Otherwise, why would Prophet TB Joshua, right from its inception, keep his Ministry works in cassettes, broadcasting them on paid National TVs and now owning a whole Emmanuel TV with all its huge attendance costs? The need to inform, educate all people about Jesus Christ in these last days implies we leave no stone unturned. In the case of SCOAN and Prophet TB Joshua, the opposition comes from every direction and to counter a few of the people have to see the work in SCOAN openly. Of course, believers also need some inspiration and a positive sense that Jesus is alive and remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Also, so many fields in the world are difficult terrains for one-on-one evangelism. The Scriptures are disallowed from entering such societies or from circulation. But Emmanuel TV Channel, in addition to its YouTube Channel, and slogans such as, “Distance Is Not A Barrier”, “Pray Along’ with Prophet T.B. Joshua”, “Touch the Screen”, is reaching every corner of the globe with resulting testimonies.

The SCOAN Chapel in Ikotun Egbe Lagos is a most-visited Christian or religious centre worldwide of our time and Prophet TB Joshua the most renowned living prophet of this generation according to survey of 250 million votes worldwide. The Emmanuel.TV Channel cannot show all that happens in the Chapel because many of the “Big Time Visitors” choose not to be recorded on tape or come at Nicodemus night time. But one thing everyone should know about Prophet TB Joshua is his humility and ability to keep our secrets. When Prophet TB Joshua is in the spirit and you’re fortunate to sit around him he knows all about you. He knows whether you are a thief, a fornicator, a witch, a liar, a Christian that has been struggling but failing, and he also knows about the way out. This unique hiding characteristic of our prophet makes him stand out from all others. Emmanuel TV is not created to promote him but to expose the work of Satan and promote the Lord Jesus Christ and His coming kingdom. The world needs the Emmanuel TV Channel.

Some Christians had thought that broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Radio or Television was the devil’s work. However many ministries, including TB Joshua’s Ministries, have turned that around to mean that a world on fire needs the flames of the Holy Ghost to quench those evil flames and that there is no hiding place for such evil spirits. Emanuel TV Channel is sending some Holy Ghost flames to quench thirsty souls and feed stomachs that are empty with the Living Word. We don’t know what Paul and Silas would say about TB Joshua’s Ministries but they wouldn’t classify him as one preaching another gospel, or building on a different foundation. Today, unfortunately, many popular ministries are built on different foundations and promoting a different Jesus Christ and yet they are too quick in castigating others. Emmanuel TV has come to improve on Christian Broadcasting in such a way that people in distant places still feel the power of Jesus Christ touching them. Through the Channel words of exhortation go out with power to,”…warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, encouraging none to render evil for evil but to follow what is good. . .”, (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15).  

Has Emmanuel TV arrived at its peak? No, but it is growing with Prophet TB Joshua who launched it 13 years ago when he was 45 years old. Nevertheless, all of us in the SCOAN family, including every Emmanuel TV Partner, need to keep working to build and improve the Channel so that the rest of the World will Keep Watching it to stay in faith with Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Therefore it is not all up to TB Joshua alone working to improve our world in this age of decadency when a harlot would command an imperial king to give her the head of a John the Baptist, (Mark 6: 24-25). On the contrary, we are working so that such kings in the midst will have the courage to install Emmanuel TV in any part of their palaces. By watching Emmanuel TV people see the evidence that there is more to life than wickedness and brutality, that there is a need for good governance, that Jesus is the only King, and much more that with God all things are possible, (Matthew 19:26). EMMANUEL!!!

Prof. R.A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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