Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Secret Deeds Determine How We Use the Name of Jesus in the Open

In one of his many teachings, repeatedly broadcast on, Prophet TB Joshua said, “What we do privately in secret would determine what we could achieve in the name of Jesus in the open”. This statement has a profound impression on many viewers, especially those wondering why their own, “Be Healed in the Name of Jesus”, has not produced the expected effect. What we do privately and secretly could hold the key to whether or not we can invoke the mighty name of Jesus Christ in our favour.  What’s done in darkness will come to light as success or failure. Instead of flying from one planet to another we may keep crawling and struggling from a single point to another. The common testimony remains, “I am trying to follow Jesus but I am failing. I believe, help my unbelief.”

The unfolding events around us and in many churches all over the world reveal this reality and why there is unbelief, envy, chaos and feebleness in the Church today. We see our history, our past blunders and mistakes, unforgiving spirits, inability to let go the past, occultism and idolatry, common willful sins, all littering the different hearts and consequently in the ministries meant to proclaim Jesus. This truth and operational principle declare and forces all secret things to eventually come to light. The question is not if things will come to the light but when or how? Unfortunately, our weaknesses are coming up to hunt us due to the inability to claim our divine rights in Christ Jesus. In Genesis 4, God says to Cain, "Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground." Even Abel's blood is shouting out this principle for us to understand that a Cain may no longer enjoy fellowship nor power with God.

If the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) must change people, nations and the entire world it has to change the common perception of every class of people in the Church. The symbol of our success must remain “Wearing the Garment of Holiness and be in the fullness of the Holy Spirit”. If for a positive result we must ask “According to His will” we may also ask first that, “What is His will?” That there is power in our mouth, the belief in our heart, released through our mouth by faith? This authority and power, in the name of Jesus, go hand in hand through meditation in His Word. The World must key into the recent prophetic word from Prophet TB Joshua that the “Ministry of Distance is not a Barrier” can be an “International Zoom Crusade for Healing, Deliverance and to Promoting Jesus Christ”.  

The carnal world is expecting a scientific code, a sign, or healing and deliverance that would not need it to go through the name of Jesus or faith in Him. The world wants to do without Jesus. Although for us Jesus is our Product, our own Jesus is not for sale in SCOAN. Whilst there is no biblical code that can be invoked in exchange to our faith and holy living in Christ Jesus, the Bible, emphasized by our prophet, teaches on what is more essential to our successful walk with Jesus.

The Lord Jesus and His Word must be at the centre of our living because if the Lord doesn’t build the house our work would be in vain. There is also a necessity to be diligent in our work because lazy people always want things but they never get them. Yet everyone has been given talents equal to their abilities and destined functions. If anyone refuses to use given talents such talents may be lost. The prophet has taught extensively too that we should always be willing to give freely in love to gain more; Casting our bread upon the waters to find it in multiples after many days. Those who refuse to give will end up having less and piling up unheard and unanswered prayers. In (1 Kings 3:1) we read, “…He (King Solomon) was wiser than all men…” This wisdom he exercised in many ways beside leadership. King Solomon surpassed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom, (2 Chronicles 9:22). World leaders must learn from the Wisdom of Solomon and come to Jesus, so that daily informed decisions can be taken.

Being in a state of mere physical darkness is probably not what the prophet is referring to. Many Christians create a state of physical darkness during prayer or meditation by closing the eyes so that other senses of the body could be made to work better. The physical sight can be deceiving, tempting us to believe only what we can see with the eyes. Right now the entire world is only seeing the global statistics of COVID-19 and its fearful forecasts.  Whereas the spiritual eyes have unlimited meditation power and undistracted by what the environment dictates; the prophet might have seen many days ahead of COVID-19. The visual sense blinds other senses of the body making us believe in only what is visible, but when we blind it our faith should grow and we have improved concentration. Similarly our secret and private life, if spent on meditation on the Word and not what our circumstance suggests, would produce enough faith upon which the power of God can be released rather than a result of some academic exercise. The Lord Jesus is always true to His word when He said that “We would receive whatever we ask for in His name”.

Therefore, despite the prevailing global carnality, diversity in faith, a form of International Crusade by Zoom should be supported as we pray along with Prophet TB Joshua and his team. With prophets the standing of TB Joshua Revelation 1:7, “Behold, He (Jesus) is coming with the clouds, and every eye shall see Him”, becomes so near and a reality. Jesus described what people will be doing at such a time: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day the Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Emmanuel

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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