Tuesday, June 1, 2021

At the Name of Jesus Every Principality and Power Are Bowing at SCOAN


TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Prophet, Emmanuel TV, Anointing water
Prophet TB Joshua

The phrase “Principalities and Powers” is found eight times (Romans 8:38, Ephesians 1:21, 3:10, 6:12, Colossians 1:16, 2:10, 2:15 and Titus 3:1) in the Bible, and always in the King James versions only. Other versions translate it variously as “Rulers and Authorities,” “Forces and Authorities,” or “Rulers and Powers”. In most places where the phrase appears, the contexts make it clear that it refers to the “Vast Array of Evil and Malicious Spirits” making war against the people of God. The principalities and powers of Satan are the wield power in the unseen realms to oppose everything and everyone that is of God. This is what Prophet TB Joshua says, “Anything related to Jesus is attacked by Satan”. But Paul in (Romans 837-39) says that “We are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus) who loved us”. This victory Jesus Christ has won over for us we observe daily in SCOAN, where Prophet TB Joshua is Bishop. In other words, the prophet is saying that “Christians need to know that when they become Christians they may also come under attack from these powers and principalities”, even after receiving healing, deliverance or receiving a prophecy. The prophet is also preparing his audience and viewers for this possible Satan’s attack. The good news is that the powers are created by Christ and therefore under His control, (Colossians 2:10-13). They are not to be feared, for they have been disarmed by Jesus on the cross. By His death, took dominion from them, and took back what they had captured.

Principalities and powers take abode in individuals, territories, cities, etc. Some cities may have a principality of murder hovering over it, or have a hindrance principality operating in their region, or have racism, or sexual perversion or corruption perversion. Others may have a gang principality, or kidnapping, stealing, addictions to vices, or any others too numerous to name. From various testimonies aired on Emmanuel.TV some of these spirits speak out for themselves. That is the team at SCOAN, led by Prophet TB Joshua, are a testimony and a reassurance that we have protection and help as Christians. Prophet TB Joshua’s emphasis on accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and building our faith in Jesus is very germane. Whilst Jesus raised the dead Lazarus He said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" (John 11:40). Believing becomes our connection to seeing the glory of God.

People are starving for the glory and majesty of God because He is the unknown cure of their troubled lives. Engaging in teaching that does not have the aroma of God’s greatness may entertain for a season but won't touch the hidden cry of the soul, "Show me your glory, Lord ". As we walk through the wilderness of this present evil age with Prophet TB Joshua we can begin to perceive a glimpse of the glory of God just as Apostle John saw on the Isle of Patmos. This is why in SCOAN we observe many crying out immediately after Prophet TB Joshua prays for them saying, “Thank You Jesus”, "I can see", "I can walk", "I can raise my arms", etc., because they perceive instantly God's glory and His sweet presence. Instantly the prophet is connected with the congregation because God is central in the “practical teaching”. The signs and wonders become means to seeing the glory of God. In sermons where self has acquired centre stage, and God, if He is there at all, has been marginalized the focus has shifted from God, who He is and what He has done, to the eloquent-self and our activity, our needs and our experiences; whereas the Bible Theology is practical.

When our minds and our hearts become lifted by faith from the things that can be seen and directed to the things that are unseen and eternal, we're recalibrated to receive the remedy that heals our troubled souls (Ps. 73). That’s why Paul can boldly declare to the Corinthians, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). Jesus Christ is the One sent from heaven (John 6) to deliver us from this present evil age and bring us to God. At SCOAN this Jesus is often called Emmanuel or God with us. He is God for us and by His Holy Spirit, God in us. “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever”, (Rev. 5:13). Emmanuel

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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