Thursday, June 24, 2021


"I write to convey my heartfelt condolence to you and all the faithful of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations on the passing of Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua on June 5 2021. 

His earthly departure came as a shock to all his followers both in Nigeria and across the globe. Whilst his physical absence will be felt by his followers, we are all comforted that he is with the LORD he has served with zeal and zest during his life. 

Prophet T.B. Joshua was an iconic preacher admired for his strength of character and his faith in God. As you already know, Prophet T.B. Joshua’s ministry inspired millions across the globe and he has left a rich legacy that will live on eternally. 

As he is mourned all over the world, let his rich legacy of service and sacrifice guide us in this challenging time. I pray that God will give all followers the comfort they need in this hour to cope with the loss of his departure."

Salva Kiir Mayardit, 
President, Republic of South Sudan 

* Tributes and condolence messages from around the world have been pouring in since Prophet TB Joshua was taken to glory on June 5th 2021. You can send a video with your message on the life and legacy of Prophet TB Joshua to +2349020772823 on WhatsApp or Telegram. Please note this number is for videos ONLY and all submissions should not be longer than one minute.

TB Joshua Ministries 

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