Monday, August 2, 2021


There is a difference between Mr TB Joshua and Prophet TB Joshua

The Synagogue Church of all Nations is neither a Family Business nor a property that is subject to inheritance

The Prophet gave instructions which are to be followed prayerfully  

TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Evelyn

Glory to Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ whom according to His wisdom called home His Prophet to rest in His abode. May His name be praised forevermore! Amen!

As faithful disciples at the SCOAN continue to wait at the ‘upper room’ in prayers of faiths and the fullness of the Holy Spirit for impartation, grace and strength in continuances of the move of God at the SCOAN, this seemingly delay seems to be generating mixed feelings amongst many who may have purported this to be a leadership crisis at the SCOAN.

Many expect that as it is done out there, immediately, after the internment of the Prophet, a new leadership should have been ceremoniously installed – someone who will take over the mantel of leadership from Prophet TB Joshua.

This unconventional move by the SCOAN seems to be generating rumours that are being spread by mischief-makers. Alleging that a group of ‘powerful TB Joshua’s women’ at the SCOAN are against Evelyn Joshua assuming the leadership role at the SCOAN.

Understandably, many may be sympathetic to the wife of the Prophet, Evenly Joshua to assume the role of her late husband, but it is important to know that this is not how things of the Spirit are done.

Does that mean Evelyn Joshua cannot take over as the General overseer of the SCOAN? Far from it.

Evelyn Joshua is herself a disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, she is qualified to take over from her late husband, just as every other Prophet, Prophetess and Evangelist at the SCOAN are also qualified to take over the leadership mantel of the Prophet.

If someone else is appointed as the new leader does that mean she will just concede everything to them?

We must understand that the Prophet Wife, Evelyn Joshua does not need to be the General oversee of the SCOAN to continue to function as the Mother of all nations.

She is the wife of the Prophet and nobody can take that away from her and she has a huge role to play in the management of the affairs of the SCOAN and also sustaining the legacy of her husband. However, she doesn’t have to be ceremoniously installed as the general overseer of the SCOAN to play that role.

We also need to know that most of these questions about succession have long been answered in the past by Prophet TB Joshua. Remember that our God is not the author of confusion.

True followers of the Prophet should have known by now what the Prophet stands is on the issue of succession and they should by now be counselling the wife and the disciples accordingly if at all there is an issue being generated about it.

Let’s take a look at the Prophet words in his last interview. Remember that the words of a man in his last days hold huge significance.

Prophet TB Joshua has always emphasised the fact that his biological life is different from his Spiritual life. He will always say there is a difference between Mr TB Joshua and Prophet TB Joshua.

When he was asked why much is not known about his wife and family he said “…I would have loved my wife to be like me but I cannot make her what I am; it is God. It is not possible for me to anoint her, God is the one that anoints people. So, it is not possible for her to sit here at the same time, this is not biological issue; it is an inheritance from the saints, it is a partaker from the saints. Therefore, I should not use anything in my biological life to stop my spiritual life.

I am a native of Arigidi Akoko but as for my divine nature I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints, therefore, it is so difficult for me. This is an apostolic ministry. It is not a ministry you read bible, go to theology school, you get it and you start preaching. No! It is purely divine. So, it is so difficult for me to display my wife, she has to be ready for God. As much as you are ready for God, God will display her.”

In the same interview, when the Prophet was asked about the issue of succession, he said “This is where God comes in; it is not a business venture. If it is God, then it is God and then it is true. The issue of family should not come into the issue of the church – that is it; it is undeserved grace. ”

I don’t think anybody loves TB Joshua’s Biological daughters and wife, Evelyn Joshua more than Prophet TB Joshua.

The Prophet has continued to emphasise that the Synagogue Church of all nations is neither a family business nor a property that is subject to inheritance.

Therefore, don’t use SCOAN to compare other Churches where the wife or the first son took over after the death of the husband or father. After all, there are also other popular Churches out there, which we don’t want to mention names where neither the wife nor family member took over as the general overseer when the founder passed away.

Even in the same interview, the Prophet seems to be suggesting that the Five Prophets and Prophetesses at the SCOAN right now have taken over from him.

Saying “There are five prophets and prophetesses; they are working. They have taken over from me already. There is an American, a British, a French, and a Nigerian.

I won’t miss words to say that anybody who is trying to push Evelyn Joshua or any of the disciples to go against the will of the Prophet does not mean well for the SCOAN. The Prophet has always warned us to beware of good intentions people. We are not here to glorify men’s emotion or sentiment but lay open to the divine will of God.

The SCOAN has said they are not dealing with leadership issues and that there were instructions given to them by the Prophet. I think our prayers now is for God to give them the grace to follow that instruction and not fall prey to distractors and opinionists whose intentions call to questions.

TB Joshua Lives On.


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