Sunday, October 10, 2021

Who's Your Spiritual Leader? Prophet TB Joshua is Mine

TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Prophet, Emmanuel TV, Anointing water
Prophet TB Joshua

 When I think of a spiritual leader that has positively impacted my life, Prophet TB Joshua readily comes to my mind without a rival.  This is a friend who helps my faith grow stronger, helps me to see Jesus more closely and to experience the Holy Spirit at work.

TB Joshua would call me on many occasions to give me assignments to do for the Church or him. Those who assisted us in the NYSC regarding the posting of NYSC requests from the Church will remember. The SCOAN office in Lokoja he assigned me to oversee and introduced me to members of the Lokoja SCOAN family will also remember. This is a prophet who will give you an assignment and will pay for everything himself. TB Joshua is not just an honest and down to earth friend he is too generous to a fault. I see Christ resemblance completely in him and the first Christian to have made such an impact in me.

Our advice is that everyone will find a leader to look up to and grow their faith accordingly. Jesus said to each of His disciples, "Follow Me". Once they follow their burdens and desires become that of Jesus. They don't have to pray, "Bless me, Heal me, Make a way for me, etc." Instead they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His Fire for boldness and they see the Light.

May you encounter Jesus today and get out of mere religious-cultural routines. Follow Jesus and you won't go astray anymore.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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