Thursday, May 5, 2022


TB Joshua, Evelyn Joshua, Emmanuel TV
General Overseer, Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), owners of Emmanuel TV Team, Prophet TB Joshua and wife, Evelyn
 Has anyone of us in The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) ever wondered why our Father in the Lord, Prophet TB Joshua, has to go so suddenly? Or why has SCOAN had to go through what it has to go through since June 5, 2021? We may not know all the answers. However, as we approach the first anniversary of that event let us ponder on what God is telling us and doing in our time. Let us come together and celebrate the life and time of a great prophet of our time.

Truly Prophet TB Joshua's physical absence is an immeasurable missing but, His great work of love, his complete dedication to the full gospel of Jesus Christ, his teaching, his unique charisma, etc., will all remain with us. We can say right away that was spoon-feeding all of us, from his family, his numerous disciples and workers, Emmanuel TV Partners and his other associates, regular or occasional Church members, visitors, and viewers of Emmanuel TV worldwide, everyone got fed freely. His absence should encourage us to grow more spiritually and depend on the Holy Spirit that was also living in Prophet TB Joshua.

His passing away has been greatly felt, even though at different degrees, depending on whether you were his wife, children, disciples, followers, or even critics. Nevertheless, there are great signs of reassurance to build our faith and hope; not just from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. His wife and now SCOAN's new leader, Prophetess Evelyn Joshua is filling the space her husband left. Many assemblies, offshoots of SCOAN, are springing up in many countries his disciples have run back to. We are praying for all of them to be filled with the Holy Ghost so that we can build on the same foundation laid by Christ Jesus, faithfully and powerfully.

Not that anyone of us has already obtained everything, or has already arrived, but the goal is to keep pressing on and take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us, (Philippians 3:12). We shall continue to advocate the need for our mutual unity, love and working in one accord. If the Apostle Paul is willing to admit that He hasn’t full attained the fullness of salvation, then there is a need to support each other and build on whatever we learned under Prophet TB Joshua.

We shall press forward as Paul says. By that Paul is teaching us that Jesus Christ died so that we might have salvation. Jesus Christ left us so that the Comforter could come and teach us all things.  Remember also that Jesus isn’t still on the cross. Jesus isn’t in the tomb. Jesus has moved on. Let us encourage each other also that Prophet TB Joshua has moved on and so we have to move on too. Yet our father in the Lord will live continually in our hearts. But we're grateful to God for briefly lending him to the world.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin Nigeria

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