Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus – The Time for World Humility

The miraculous testimonies coming out of China of the rapid healings and zero cases of locally affected patience in Wuhan and low transmission of the coronavirus, after the Prophecy of the man of God, Prophet TB Joshua on the showers of rain that will wipe away every fear of the unknown, which include coronavirus is a testament to the fact that God is already in control of this coronavirus epidemic that is causing fear around the world.

Truly the Chinese were very effective and transparent in their handling of the virus and the world is celebrating them for the work well done, but we need to acknowledge the fact that the good news coming out of China is a product of God’s grace. Remember there is no clinical cure to the virus yet. The situation in China is being under control because of God’s intervention and this every other nation need to emulate. 

Europe, especially Italy is now the epicentre for the coronavirus. With more death compare to China where the virus started.

This is the time for us to run to God for help amidst this global epidemic. There is nothing to be ashamed of. An extraordinary situation requires extraordinary actions. Genuine Faith needs to be activated and the world needs to humble themselves and be awaking to the reality that God is supreme above all.  

The Prophet always remind us that in every situation, God has something to say. There is nothing that happened in this world that is a coincidence, everything happened for a reason. This is why the world needs to understand that this is not a time for world politics of accusations and counter-accusation. This is a time for us to do a proper self-examination on our relationship with God and others around us.

We need to know that this is a delicate time. This is not a time for arrogance because it will only bring about self-destruction. Anybody can be a victim, irrespective of the class or status.

No one can stand on the way of God, His purposed will be achieved whether we like it or not, all we need to do is to humbly come to him and asked for His mercy. The grace is available and the healing is already done. Just come to him and partake in that healing grace. 

The world has to seek His face in the sincerity of hearth if we want this healing that we are seeing manifesting in China to go through other parts of the world rapidly especially, those that are presently the epicentre of this epidemic.
God is not a liar, His words are true and sure. It is left for us to claim it to ourselves in humility, righteousness and Faith. 

The New Morning Anointing Water

Due to the alarming rate of death coming out of Italy and other affected nations around the world coupled with the fact that there is still no vaccine that can fight this virus, we are still insisting that the government of those affected nations in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), should come to the SCOAN to officially other for the Anointed Water that has been affected by God, for healing and deliverance.

Perhaps, this continual call may seem foolish to many around the world and even opposed by the sceptic, unbelievers and the Satanist ideologist. But we should always put it in mind that, the vicissitude of time will tell who is indeed foolish and wise.


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