Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Services Gathering at the SCOAN with Prophet TB Joshua

Across the world today Sunday 22, March 2020 the gathering of different peoples from the diverse religious and ethnic background is being missed at the Synagogue, Church of all Nations (SCOAN). The cost to the international community is huge because of the healing, teaching, prophecy, counselling, fellowship, etc, that goes on at the SCOAN Arena of Liberty. Distant viewers, sick people in various hospital beds, prisoners, families and other communities, especially where open evangelism is disallowed, have combined as a great overflow Church under SCOAN. We must attend to them and partners must note this area.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has locked down cities, nations, and their economic, causing fear and panic, creating new social concepts like social isolation and social distancing, is responsible. Prophet TB Joshua has taken to educating the public on the pandemic a lot earlier and prophesying its eventual end. But a faithless and unbelieving generation like our generation would prefer to think that they are in charge to run our lives. The result of government orders, without putting the opinion of God as a basis, can often be misleading, creating fear, panic and killing more people.

There are various Sunday Assemblies, religious and non-religious gatherings around the world today. For example, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans in January 2013 in London, England founded a non-religious Sunday Assembly gathering mostly for people who want a similar communal experience to a religious church. They probably hated the Church and wanted their world. In Nigeria and many other communities, Muslims gather on Sunday. These gatherings should be affected by the coronavirus following government orders. We know that our prophet TB Joshua is law-abiding and would normally comply with Civic orders excepting those directly affecting our faith in Christ Jesus like in the days of Daniel. 

Nevertheless, the Sunday Gathering is not man-made but very scriptural. For example in 1 Corinthians 16: 2, "On the first day of the week, each of you should set aside some income and save it to the extent that God has blessed you so that a collection will not have to be made when I come". Even concerning the so-called coronavirus, many hands are working to eradicate the pandemic. The prophets, pastors, and others must be allowed to pray along. Those of us in mathematical sciences we are studying the model of transmission using an index to locate those with direct or indirect contacts. Perhaps it is the Church that should play its role in the society for which many governments have lost trust in.

For Prophet TB JOSHUA and SCOAN, we expect normality in service but without the usual crowd where the entire world will be their overflowing assemblies. The point is that people in the society have placed more confidence in SCOAN of TB Joshua than on their respective governments. A "Live Service” may help the sick, the fearful, the lonely, the rejected and the hopeless. The point is that there is power backing the Word coming out of the mouths of holy men and women working in the SCOAN, and of course in all living Church of Christ. We must work consciously on these overflowing gatherings that put their faith on Christ through SCOAN, whether or not there is a coronavirus.  

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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