Monday, June 22, 2020

SCOAN Leading the Campaign of Hope for a Troubled World

God desires that every human being lives as God commands to receive His gift of salvation to become a part of His family and Kingdom. This vision is and should be, the World Order for all God's children, according to (1 John 2:1-11). In the world we live in today, we have two groups of people living together, namely, the children of obedience and the children of disobedience. Apostle John was clear in his mind when he said and encouraged us to sin not. He also says that if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous and the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. If we obey Him we shall be healed because we'd have internal life.

Anyone who believes and keeps this commandment, of faith in the atoning power in the name of Jesus Christ and walk daily in it, is a child of Light, the obedient God's child. All others, no matter how morally good, are children of darkness and the disobedient children. The Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, is motivated by this and has set for itself, through its obedience to the Word of God, the task of making sure that everyone understands this message of Jesus, to obey it, and to daily walk in it.

Jesus has said that we shouldn't worry and fret over our physical needs and challenges but to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). This, then, should be the priority of every Christian; to pursue God’s Kingdom through living as He commands. This pursuit leads to a life of great meaning and purpose, free from fear, filled with personal enrichment, one with absolute faith in a future that is wonderful beyond anything we can imagine. As we enter into the period of humility, prophesied by Prophet TB Joshua, the whole world we presently know is filled with chaos and trouble, different levels of inequalities and discriminations, causing panic, anxieties, pains, or sleepless nights. But children of obedience ought to know the Rock on which they stand, the Anchor holding their sailing ship that is being tossed about by unrelenting storming winds.

The World governments in its wisdom and desperation, following the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, for example, shut down national and global economies, locked down states, communities, and including Churches. The consequences of such a panicking action, not driven by vision, is the creation of bigger problems for the entire world than caused by COVID-19. The campaign from SCOAN, led by its Bishop, Prophet TB Joshua, is the "Fear Not" approach but trusting and holding on to God. Because God is still on the throne and expecting Presidents and Heads of governments to listen and obey instructions from above sent through His holy prophets. If in future individuals or nations relate amongst themselves mostly by internet connections, staff working from home, large Church congregations are denied, the expected friendly brotherly interactions and economic recovery may not receive a good outcome. It is true according to SCOAN that distance is not a barrier for the move of God but we cannot push aside the effect of intimate interpersonal interactions, bilateral relationships between nations, national and international crusades, the meeting together of thousands of people praying in one accord. 

God gives His prophets the wisdom of the prudent to understand His way. But there is a way which seems right unto a man (of science), but the end thereof may be the ways of many deaths (Proverbs 14: 8-12).

Therefore, and although we are praying for nations and individuals in various homes and congregations, there is still a need to better engage God's prophets for God intervention in public affairs like COVID-19, growing world unrest and insecurity, the need for a more scientific breakthrough, combating feminine and displaced populations, etc. It is not cowardice or laziness doing so but the actual recognition of the sovereign God who promised to be with us every step of the way, even to the end of the age. Failing to recognize the supremacy and the unique position of the King of kings in public life can only lead to more sins and more painful consequences. God desires to indeed bless the world He creates, enlarge every coast, and remove every pain and evil from further circulation. Emmanuel.

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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