Thursday, June 18, 2020

The SCOAN After Covid-19

The Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, is engaged in the mission whereby Jesus is making all things new in the life of individuals. It is a mission that is changing lives and transforming nations and the entire globe through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Prophet TB Joshua leads in this holy mission as the hungry are fed, water for the thirsty, and deliverance for those in the dark world, and giving everyone the vision of the God who cares about their soul and their vocation. In this COVID-19 pandemic era, people still need Jesus more than ever. They need a complete Jesus, not an incomplete one.

Seemingly COVID-19 crisis has impacted significantly on the Church including on SCOAN and its way of service and worship. The crisis has attempted to change the Church as we know it. SCOAN has become a very big family, consisting of visitors from all over the world and regular worshippers, it is one of the megachurches, holding services lasting 6 or more hours at a seating. Hence, if this crisis won’t seemingly change the church as we know it, or put an end to those who seek refuge in this church, or destroy the megachurch, how will it potentially change or affect the church? We can only continue to pray and wait on God the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

In the first place, Prophet TB Joshua has prophesied a time like this over a long period. Therefore it hasn't come on the Church unaware. We shall join him, praying for more revelation of how the pandemic would end. From science, there are just two options. These are namely, total eradication of COVID-19 and return to the old normal or living with COVID-19 with medication or vaccine and return to a new normal. We shall assume that the Church will be living and operating in a new normal and hence prepare for that. The Church of Christ is built to function in all conditions. In Philippians 4:12 Apostle Paul said, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want". Therefore it is our various governments, everywhere in the world, that have refused to carry the Church along in their search for solutions. Without the Church of Christ, the world will be living in total darkness.

SCOAN is under the jurisdiction of the Lagos State Government of Nigeria where worship centres are still locked down. Lagos State is the epic centre of COVID-19 in Nigeria as at present time, with the highest numbers of infections and deaths. Nevertheless, even in Nigeria, there are states where reopening and re-emergence of life are taking place. Some people are going back to work, buying in the markets, and even gathering together with the church. All of them are doing so with new policies and procedures that seek to protect each other from contracting the virus. This is the new normal era.

For those of us with a primary interest in the Church, and especially the SCOAN, the impact of COVID-19 can be viewed in the short-term and the long-term approach. The short-term being from now to sometime in 2021 whilst the long-term starts thereafter.  Covid-19 is going to have its waves and probably repeat cycles, within the short-term period.  There is already a disruption to our normal way of doing things in SCOAN, despite the prior existence of that has become so valuable.  

Over the last three months our world, nation, economy, communities, churches, and our lives have been completely disrupted. How we were living before mid-March came to a complete halt. SCOAN was attending to the physical and spiritual needs of people from all backgrounds hitherto. In the short-term, it is hoped that regular prayer line service, in front of the Church in line with COVID-19 rules, maybe conducted and people could be prayed for without touching them. All of us must join our faith together with our prophet and his team on how the ministry is conducted and even the evangelism mission Jesus has graciously given us.  The church must be part of the rebuilding of our communities and continue to seek help for the hurting and broken in hearts, the vulnerable and marginalized people of the world. Emmanuel!!! 

Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.

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