Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Tb Joshua, SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

"Look, it is too early to say a man is blessed. The beginner is not the owner but the finisher. These are the lessons you should learn. Many heroes have collapsed - great, rich and wealthy men. The beginner is not the owner but the finisher. If you don’t finish well, everything you live for is gone and the history about you is erased. The evil that men do lives after them.

Many of you are being prepared for generations yet unborn - just like the Apostles. They were prepared so that when they died, their work would remain for generations yet unborn. This is what we are seeing now. Anytime you behave - remember your exit. Always think about where your thoughts, attitude and behaviour will be credited to your account. Our account is in our future, not now. You are living now. You are working now. What you are doing now will be credited to our future. What are you doing now that will be credited to your future? If you are doing evil now, that evil will be credited to your future. Are you doing good now? The good you are doing now will be credited to your future - you will find them in the future, where that physical strength is no longer there.

Let us remember our future. My future is my life. That is life - Let me suffer now and enjoy in the future. But to enjoy now and suffer in the future... But how many of us will do this? We are not ready to suffer now and enjoy in the future. So, what we are going through - and you are running from to the witch-doctor, trying to cut the journey, is to prepare you for the future. This is what I have said - God often uses anything to preserve, prepare, strengthen our desire and determination, to stop us for a while and arrange our future. He’s arranging your future. Anything can be used to arrange your future - sickness, disappointment. They will come; you need those experiences." - Prophet TB Joshua (25th February 2018)

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