Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Beauty of Our Achievement By Prophet TB Joshua


Prophet TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

"It takes faith to maintain your position to the end. The beauty of our achievement is when we are no longer living and the achievement is still there. The glory of our achievement is when we are no longer living but that achievement is still there, lingering on in the eyes and ears of children yet unborn. That is the beauty!

You know, we are not necessarily being blessed by God because of today but we are blessed because of tomorrow when we are no longer living. Because children yet unborn want to see things that can influence them to do right. It’s not necessarily because of today you are blessed but you are blessed because of tomorrow when you are no longer living. 

That achievement continues to live so that our children yet unborn can be influenced in a positive way by our achievements. You will no longer live to educate them, to tell them the right way to follow but what you have achieved will be the one to talk to them, to tell them.

Your concentration is so much on what you want to achieve, what you need. That is your concentration - you want to be this, you want to be that. Vanity upon vanity! If you are known today and you are not known tomorrow, what is the value of it? If your name is written today and vanishes tomorrow, what is the value? Please brothers - think about tomorrow."

- Prophet TB Joshua (15th January 2017)

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