Sunday, July 4, 2021



Tb Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, Prayer mountain

The new authority in the Synagogue Church of All Nations SCOAN, in Lagos Nigeria, has published events of the burial ceremony of his founder Prophet TB Joshua. They together with the rest of us, who believe in the works of TB Joshua, are the heirs of his legacy. TB Joshua's influence is globally evident and will shape and create a renewed Christian culture to recover Jesus' Love and Faith-in-Action culture and faith.

 How will the Church assess and inherit TB Joshua’s tall legacy?  The word of the LORD is clearly saying, "Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the LORD of Hosts. And who art thou, O great mountain?” (Zechariah 4:6-7). By the grace of God, every mountain shall become a plain. TB Joshua has been a positive and heroic mighty man of God, teaching his followers to live by faith and not by sight. TB Joshua has been courageously confronting the unjust and murderous powers, the dark worlds, including Lucifer, the marine powers and their demons. His faithfulness in serving God despite the dangers it poses, ability to discern God’s voice, his ability to make profound sound judgements for family reconciliation, his love, charity and prayer life, etc., all make TB Joshua a hero of the Good News of Jesus.

Of course, Prophet TB Joshua's legacy is also that of a “troubler” by his numerous foes. This generation thinks that they are entitled to live as they like, speak whatever comes out of their mouth without restrains. TB Joshua endured all name-callings and campaigns of misrepresentation of his intentions. He endured false charges levied against his person or ministry and other misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm his reputation. He was the target of calumny for his beliefs and acts of goodwill. He was not intimidated by other supposed Christian ministries who made it their objectives not to encourage others but to criticize and condemn. Prophet TB Joshua has never been afraid of campaigns of calumny that could trouble the features of his ministry. He seems more preoccupied with providing for others and solving their difficulties rather than his own. He does not advocate for just his Church nor use violence or foul language.

In Christian history, observers have been learning that some beloved biblical figures are not always as ideal as we would like to believe. Other bible figures make themselves as the most ideal to be followed, and not even Jesus.  At this week events, we'll say that it will be really hard to embrace the shadow side of TB Joshua. We know that Prophet TB Joshua has the power not only to heal and deliver but also to uproot and consume. However, he remained humble, giving his warnings in prophecies and teachings, and letting God do the fighting. He sees beyond his critics and he is living on. Therefore with God's help, the SCOAN shall continue to struggle, through prayer and righteousness, to maintain TB Joshua's legacy and achievements, as the Church looks on to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.


Prof. R. A. Ipinyomi, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

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